We all want silky smooth, luminous, clear skin with no scaling or itching.
Dry, itchy, skin can be a personal characteristic, from ECZEMA, other diseases, or environmental factors.
ECZEMA is manifest with itching, dry skin which can flake, crack, and weep.
ECZEMA symptoms of inflamed, dry, and itching skin demand RELIEF.
DRY SKIN follows the drying after frequent hand washing, bathing or toweling.
Contact with paper, cloth and other items removes natural skin oils to leave skin dry and itchy. Exposure of skin to wind and cold causes dry skin with irritation. Sunburn of the skin causes skin inflammation with peeled and cracked skin. Dry, cold weather gives peeling, dry, often cracked skin.
The above DRY SKIN conditions with loss of natural skin oils will find RELIEF using of Health-e-Skin products designed for ECZEMA and severe DRY SKIN.