We all want silky smooth, luminous, clear skin with no scaling or itching.
DRY SKIN can be caused by windburn, sunburn, and dry cold.
DRY SKIN results from the use of harsh soaps and chemical agents.
DRY SKIN follows the drying after frequent hand washing, bathing, or toweling.
DRY SKIN can result from water-based skin care products.
DRY SKIN results from anything that depletes the natural skin oils.
ECZEMA is manifest with itching dry skin, often flaking, cracking, and weeping.
ECZEMA symptoms are inflamed, dry, and itching skin.
ECZEMA and dry skin are RELIEVED with re-hydrating the skin and replenishing its natural oils.
Skin that is dry, thin, and easily irritated can be the result of aging.
Health-e-Skin products are concentrated, all natural oil products that contain no water or artificial additives using emu oil to RELIEVE and restore your skin.